International Marketing
Exploring global opportunities by connecting New Mexico to foreign buyers
Western United States Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA)
WUSATA is a non-profit trade organization funded by USDA’s Market Access Program (MAP). WUSATA is formed by the 13 Western States and American Samoa Departments of Agriculture. Since 1980, WUSATA has been dedicated to assisting western U.S. agribusiness with their exporting efforts through available marketing programs. WUSATA programs include:
- Export Education: This program educates agribusinesses about the process and benefits of exporting by providing annual webinars, seminars, and online market research reports.
- Global Connect: This program provides registered agribusinesses the ability to receive multiple services and opportunities to connect with international buyers through:
- International Trade Shows
- International Buying Trade Missions
- One-on-One meetings with qualified buyers
- Interpreters at international activities and more
- FundMatch: This program assists agribusinesses by providing a 50% cost reimbursement for eligible international marketing activities. Eligible expenses include:
- Advertising
- Exhibiting
- Freight
- Packaging/Label Changes and more
To learn more about WUSATA please visit
U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc. (USLGE)
U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc. (USLGE) is a nonprofit, nationwide trade association that brings together a broad base of U.S. livestock organizations. USLGE represents the international marketing interests of the dairy, beef, sheep, swine, horse, and small ruminant (sheep and goats) breeding industries. Additional members of USLGE include the embryo and semen industries, livestock export sector, and State Departments of Agriculture.
- Market Access Program (MAP) Branded Program
The Market Access Program (MAP) branded program of USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) provides for partial reimbursement (up to 50%) of approved activities such as international advertising; development, translation, and distribution of promotional materials; and participation in foreign trade shows and exhibitions. Funds cannot be used for travel or personnel reimbursement. An administrative fee is charged to participate in the program.The total amount of funds available to USLGE for brand promotions is set by FAS. The allocation of these funds will be made to eligible participants on a fair and equitable basis as set by FAS and consistent with the goals and objectives of the MAP program as outlined by Congress. Funding criteria is based, in part, on available funding, anticipated economic impact, and application of completeness.
To learn more about USLGE and the MAP Branded Program please visit and
What are Trade Shows?
NMDA marketing specialists work with WUSATA to help organize participation in trade shows globally. This platform allows participating companies to showcase their products to a vast amount of buyers. Trade shows act as an effective networking tool for New Mexico companies, by solidifying business relationships with existing buyers and, more importantly, meeting and developing new market opportunities with potential buyers.
What are Trade Missions?
NMDA marketing specialists recruit qualified buyers, importers, and distributors to participate in trade missions to and from New Mexico. NMDA works with WUSATA and USLGE to facilitate Outbound and Inbound trade missions:
- Outbound trade missions involve New Mexico companies traveling internationally to conduct meetings with already prequalified buyers.
- Inbound trade missions involve recruited international buyers traveling to New Mexico to meet with local companies.
The goal of these trade missions is to connect New Mexico companies with committed international buyers to promote the quality and versatility of New Mexico agricultural products.

Additional Information
Agribusinesses that are interested in international marketing opportunities should contact NMDA’s Marketing & Development Division at (575) 646-4929.